On the Saturday of the Ducasse, after the battle between David and Goliath, the Ath families receive their friends to eat the traditional masteille tart together. This dessert dates from the 19th century, but at that time the recipe was certainly different, using cheese, hazelnuts and butter. Nowadays the ingredients include: little dry rolls – (masteilles) – macaroons and almonds.
The Pilate sweet shop continues the tradition of St-Joseph macaroons. These sweet treats in the shape of a screw are sold in March for the saint’s festival. Ath, in the 19th century, had a lot of workers in the wood industry. It is said that the form of this sweet recalls wood shavings or a drill bit, a woodworker’s tool.
In 2014, in order to mark the 13th anniversary of the first brewing of Gouyasse, all the Ath giants grouped together, to form the « Circle of Giants ». Each giant was associated with a typical beer brewed by the Brasserie des Légendes.
The local producers’ market is held every last Friday of the month, from 17.00h to 20.00 at the Institut St François, rue de Pintamont 29, Ath and offers the opportunity to buy quality products, good for health and for the planet.

Visiting the Thursday market is one of the habits of the people of Ath. It is the occasion to buy from the travelling merchants, who set up their stalls on the Grand’Place. The area around St-Julien’s church is the gourmet area, with market gardeners, cheese merchants, butchers…

In terms of restoration, the City of Ath should not blush. In addition to having a varied and scattered offer throughout the territory, Ath also has many award-winning restaurants. Some time ago, the list of restaurants ranked at Gault & Millau 2024 was unveiled. 22 restaurants are found in the guide for Wallonia Picardy, including six in Ath.