The Ath Tourist Office

Is located at rue de Nazareth, 2 and is open:

  • Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 (> 18:00 from 1 June to end September)
  • Weekends and holidays from 2 pm to 6 pm (closed on Sundays in December, January, February and March)
  • Annual closure: From 24/12 to 02/01.
The Ath Tourist Office

The Ath Tourist Office is located at rue de Pintamont, 18, and is open:

  • From Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 13.0 to 17.00.
  • Open on Sunday from 1 April.
  • Annual closure: between Christmas and New Year.
The Team


Laurent Dubuisson – Director, Ath Tourist Office

Laurence Debrackeleer – Assistant Director, Ath Tourist office

Cathy Denauw – Acting Director – Espace gallo-romain

Florine Blin – Acting Curator – Espace gallo-romain

Cécile Carlier – Project manager – Ath Tourist Office

Caroline Malice – Restorer

Catherine Monfort – Tourism development officer – Ath Tourist Office

Kristel Duvivier – Pedagogical service – Giants’ House

Isabelle Monnier – Receptionist – Ath Tourist Office

Marie-Gabrielle Berlanger – Receptionist – Ath Tourist Office

Laura Dumont – Community Manager/receptionist – Ath Tourist Office

Manon Mauroy – Secretary/Accountant – Ath Tourist Office

Fréderique Dubois – Administrative Assistant – Ath tourist office

Florian De Riemacker – Receptionist – Espace gallo-romain

Marie-Claire Coessens – Receptionist – Espace gallo-romain

Véronique Boucart – Receptionist – Espace gallo-romain

Marie-Véronique Moulard – Secretary – Stone Museum

Philippe Duhaut – Technical manager – Espace gallo-romain

Pascal Deschaepmeester – Carpenter-painter – Ath Tourist Office

Philippe Bonnier – Maintenance worker – Ath Tourist Office

Béatrice Dubois – Maintenance worker – Espace gallo-romain

Concepcion Gonzalez – Maintenance worker – Espace gallo-romain

Paola Degallaix – maintenance Worker – Giants’ House

Sonia Lestarquit – Maintenance worker – Giants’ House

Nathalie Canon – Maintenance worker – Stone Museum

A question ?
Contact us !

Momentarily at Rue de Nazareth, 2
Open from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm.

Under construction – Rue de Pintamont 18, 7800 Ath.


Phone : 00 32 (0)68 68.13.00
FAX : 00 32 (0)68 68.13.09
Email :

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